Friday, October 18, 2024


Of the things I cannot change
I’m thankful.

As thankful for the freeze 
In my bones.
The human in me,
Needing moments to thaw.

Even these moments 
have space 
for more than me.

I return to water, adjusting to
The stone in my path.
I make my way around, or through
Brushing by, 
As gently as I can.

I’m in no rush.

While there is weight behind me, 
and power,
I owe no apology if 
you are moved.

I owe only thanks, 
As I do
If you are not.

Thursday, August 29, 2024


Tastes of salt and sea,
Of ripened olives.

Smells like soft light 
In early morning orchards.

Feels like rounded edges
After a glass, or three, of red.

Sounds like the soft landing
Of shyness fallen.

Gentlest of gentle man,
Lowered shoulders
Sweetly familiar.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Lay down your pen


Feel the drumming?
Calling you to heal
So hard
That you can hear
Beyond your wounds.

Thundering bass
Can startle, shake, 
and scramble our story lines.

Our pens scratch wildly
Trying to make order
Trying to cover
Profound sound.

We armour ourselves 
with narratives familiar and 
Comfortable in chaos
And cages
These stories write and wrap
‘Round and ‘round 
Like a layered long embrace,
We feel safe in.

Holding us so tightly 
we forget how it feels to 

We’re more than the story
We write of ourselves.

We’re the drumming.
… Listen.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Carries low (lyric)

 Shame carries low, carries low
 Shame carries low, carries low
 Shame weighs you down, weighs you down
 Shame carries low, carries low

I didn’t let go because you did it
But because you couldn’t see it

Shame carries low, carries low

In the bend is not the breaking
In the words is not the meaning
To be seen within the weeping
Is to heal

Even deep inside the fearing
We live our way into believing
Hands were reaching for the taking
Or not there

 Shame carries low, carries low
 Shame carries low, carries low
 Shame weighs you down, weighs you down
 Shame carries low, carries low

I didn’t let go because you did it
But because you couldn’t see it

 Shame carries low, carries low

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Untitled (lyric)

Ten foot waves come crash against the sea shore
Washing clean the marks of an old war
Spins the breeze to blow away the feelings
Holding you from walking through to more

Here you are
It’s ok to fall

Step into the forest breathing deeply
Humming low with life no questions asked
Spread your arms and touch the lovely lichen
Feel yourself a part of all that’s passed

And in the spring when all is drenched in dew
Wet your lips on tears of this breakthrough
Dig your toes deep into earth and life
Welcome morning where you’ll realize

Here you are
It’s ok to fall