Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Profound Shit My Dad Has Said

For all those who knew and loved him, 
and those who didn't get the chance.

May 2013 - On Perspective

When I look at you guys, and how you see the world... 
I swear I've never seen anything so beautiful in my whole life…

March 2013 - On Forgiveness

You don't have to talk about forgiveness. You can talk about all the reasons to do it. But we already know why. You just have to walk through it. 

You gotta forgive.

February 2013 - On Family and Dying

Hey Guys,

Just thought it would be worth mentioning... that this thing we're doing could possibly be a long haul... and I want to give you a heads up on the fact that it will, over the long term, deplete all of you in some way, so careful with your kids, and be aware of the fatigue that comes with watching someone disappear from your life one cell at a time. God is good, but this will be a drain .

So, continue to Talk to each other, I mean much later down the road when you are wasted from trying to endure the experience. That's a time, regardless of who it is that's passing, when we need each other, but, don't have the will to ask for help (sometimes there are days like this).

The great thing is that "This" is the time for developing a connection with your sense of "Higher Power", (or god). Which, if you have a problem with those three letters being put in that order, could be and be spelled "Love." Those moments when you've got to get real, and you need support, a best friend, a true confidant.

However I just want to remind you that this power, (connection to higher power), exists not only within you, as individuals, but You have great power as a Family... I'm saying Right Now, you are a powerfully connected group of people, (connected to seeking higher ground). Your own integrity is your fastest route to that higher morality and conscience. You guys, together, are a very powerful team and in a beautiful way - like a Freight Train - and that power is connected directly to what modern man refers to as God.

I wouldn't know this kind of Love if it wasn't for you. 

Proud Dad

May 2009 - On Working

"Reign all that focus into this,
Don't push. 
Don't pull. 
Just Be."

March 2008 - On Failing

Although you are special and one of a kind, (we) don't suffer anymore or less than anyone else, the fact is that suffering is relative.

One might lose his (her) family in a fire, being the only one to get out on time, (I know this person, I met him), or just losing a job or a lover, it feels the same and no-one has the right to say one suffers more than the other. A broken heart is a broken heart, no matter what the cause. So it is incumbent (american political word) upon us to realize that we are all fighting to get on top of what brings us DOWN, so we can be of service to our fellows.
"Don't worry be happy" is the moral guide of "this" decade, as there is so much to be concerned about in the world. Being an artist, you (we) have a tendency toward compassion, but we can't let it burden us to the point where we become negative and loath the time we are to put in here, and Give Up before we start. Understand I'm talking to myself here as much as you, because we tend to use things to bring ourselves down and then medicate with overindulgence - in beer, chocolate, love, whatever. Balance and knowing you are part of a large world that has a higher power and a purpose for you and Loves you unconditionally, (as I do) is what to keep in mind ALL through you day. 

God Bless,  Love Dad
PS: You know I'm not a religious fanatic, "God Bless" means May the power of nature be with you and guide you and your decisions, let go, don't play god and things will sort themselves out the right way. Love you.

July 2005 - On Music

Here's what I KNOW, and it's true for every single one of "US":
When we get ill, or sick with sleeplessness and confusion; when we lose sight of who or what we are, it's always because we are not singing or playing at our Gift. Always because we're not allowing "it" to "BE".
We cannot turn away from our "Gift" without getting (mentally) sick, and then we get physically sick, and pretty soon we don't even know who or what we are and what we're supposed to be doing with our lives. Then, as with many, many others, we fall into the abyss of unknown beautiful but lost human beings who try this and that, experimenting with a wardrobe that never seems quite right.

Standing naked and BEING is a very difficult thing to do even when it is made plain and obvious as to who we are and what we are supposed to be doing.
I have to play my guitar to keep from getting sick, just as you have to sing and grow to keep from getting sick, and lost...

I love you Chels, as a daughter and friend, and as an "artist " just as I loved Kevin and Bach and Rembrant. Honour who and what you are, "BE" it, out loud.

July 2005: Cause it’s so damn sweet - While I was in Alberta

Hi Love You Too Chels. xoxoxoxox. Thanks for responding. 

So what's going on, do you like your new place?
You should come home, live with me and study music, for real. It's a wonderful world with lots of history and cool people in it. Even Mozart was a nut. The whole of NASCAD is a great place to study. (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, or The Local Conservatory of  performing Arts is a recognized Institute.)

I'm not into girlfriends or much of a social life outside of music... 
so I would make a better Dad now. 

Love D

June 2005 - On Birthright and Nature

There was a birth in the field. A doe had given birth to a fawn. 

Everything Stopped, just for a moment, the moment the fawn was born.
Then, as if a signal was given, Everything Resumed, Everything started to interact as if nothing had Stopped.
Only, without the knowledge contained in the Stop.

June 2005 - On my friends suicide

This is so sad. Someones baby, who didn't stay long enough to realize the party was for HER. I mean, LIFE holds so many new discoveries, even when you get to be 50 (or so).

Nobody told her... GOD Bless her little Heart... 
Send your love in a prayer, that she rests in peace.
I Love You,   

Unknown Time

Time doesn't change. Things shift around but way down where it counts, we all hold onto what's real.

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